Public High School Information
Advanced Placement Testing takes approximately 3 hours for Tempe Union High Schools.
The Honors/Gifted Testing Season begins in September for the following year. Any student that scores in the 77% percentile and above on the Cognitive Abilities test will qualify for honors courses.
A score in the 77th percentile or above in Verbal (English/Social Studies), Quantitative (Mathematics), and or Abstract Reasoning (Science) meets the criteria for honors placement. A student who qualifies is NOT required to take honors classes.
A score below the 77th percentile indicates that a student does not qualify for honors placement at this time. However, once a student has demonstrated outstanding performance at the high school, he or she may request to be recommended for future honors placement.
All requests will be evaluated at individual sites by the site Registrar.
McClintock High School
1830 E. Del Rio Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282
Please check your High School websites for the most complete information.