Statement of Services
Description of Services
St. John Bosco Preschool is a licensed preschool program providing a balance between academic and social development and allows time for 3-5-year-olds to experience group instruction and explore their world at their individual pace. Aftercare is provided for school-age children 3-14 years of age.
Hours of Operation
The school day is 7:45am–3:00pm Monday through Thursday, and 7:45am–12:30pm on Friday. Half-day Preschool is 7:45–11:30am Monday through Thursday and 7:45am–12:30pm on Friday. Parents have access to areas where enrolled children are receiving care.
Enrollment Procedures
A child must be 3 years old by August 31st in order to apply. Application is completed through St. John Bosco Catholic School. Registration requires acceptance, copies of immunization, the signed Emergency Information Form (blue sheet) completed in its entirety, and the registration fee paid. In order to withdraw a child, a parent or guardian must provide a 30-day written notice as to the date on which the withdrawal will become effective.
Charges and Fees
Fees and Refund Policy:
Enrollment Fee: $225 for Preschool
2024-2025 tuition is based on St. John Bosco Catholic School tuition.
Full Day $10,010 for non-Catholic parish and $7,183 for Catholic parish
½ day Preschool: $7,590 for non-Catholic parish and $5,423 for Catholic parish
Child Admission and Release
Children must be signed into the program by a parent (first initial and last name) with the time of arrival documented. Parents must sign out their children when they are picked up with the departure time documented. Any person signing out a child may be asked for photo identification. A child may NOT leave with any persons not listed as a parent/guardian or on the emergency list of contacts. An email or telephone call is not sufficient.
Discipline Methods
The Preschool program follows Discipline With Purpose, a self-discipline program. Teachers develop classroom discipline cycles that reflect the natural consequences of inappropriate or unproductive behavior. School rules, self-discipline, and discipline cycles are posted in each classroom and on teachers' websites.
Transportation Procedures
The program does not provide transportation for students.
Field Trips
The program does not provide traditional field trips. However, students attend the school-wide Mass at St. Benedict Church, Library (on campus), and music class (on campus) each week. Parents will fill out a form at the beginning of the year for all of these items.
Responsibilities of Parents
Parents are required to regularly update emergency information as it changes. Parents are asked to work with the staff of the program to provide an environment that will prove most beneficial to their children. All parents or guardians of registered students are involved in personal service to the school. Each family serves 25 hours.
The primary goal of the program is to provide an environment where children can grow socially and academically, preparing them for Kindergarten. A sample daily schedule is posted on the website. Various activities are offered to spark children’s interests in art, group play, and creative problem-solving. The school teaches them about Jesus, helping them develop a love for others and God’s creation, and preparing them to be life-long learners.
Liability Insurance
In accordance with the Diocese of Phoenix and the Department of Health Services, the program carries the required amount of liability insurance. The program does not carry medical insurance. A copy is available for review in the Business Manager’s office.
Medication Procedures
In the event that a child needs to receive medication at school, all medications (prescription or non-prescription) must be delivered to the office in their original packaging and must be age- and dose-appropriate. This includes cough drops. Parents will complete the Medication Release Form available at the nurses’ office. Prescription medications must have the prescription label with the child’s name and dosage clearly visible. All medications must be dispensed from the nurse’s office and we can only dispense medications that have been signed in by a parent or legal guardian. We do not provide stock medications.
Emergency Medical Procedure
In the event of a medical emergency, staff will call 911 first and obtain medical help for your child. The parent or guardian who is listed as the individual to call in the event of a medical emergency will then be notified. If that person is not available, the program personnel will continue calling the designated adults provided on the Emergency Information Form until a parent or guardian can be located and notified. If a child has a communicable disease or infestation, the child will be separated from the program under appropriate supervision so the parent may pick up the student immediately.
The Arizona Department of Health Services, Office of Child Care Licensing, licenses the program. Inspection reports are available upon request to the Director or in the school office.
Campus is sprayed for insects/pests on a monthly basis. Signs are posted 72 hours before.
The Arizona Department of Health Services, Office of Child Care Licensing located at 150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 400, Phoenix, AZ 85007, (602) 364-2539.