
St. John Bosco Catholic School focuses our fundraising efforts on three major events: the annual Bosco Gala, Running with Rosco, and Birdies Fore Bosco/End of Year Bosco Bash. We encourage every family to participate in these events. If a family is unable to participate in at least one event, a $200 fundraising fee will be charged to their FACTS account at the end of the school year, replacing the former SCRIP fundraising obligation. Our goal is to build a strong community while supporting the needs of our school.

What does participation look like?

Participation includes attending the events, sponsoring, or purchasing auction items.

Where can I find more information about the three major school fundraisers?

You can find detailed information under the Parent tab on our website, with specific pages for:

  • The Gala
  • Running with Rosco
  • Birdies Fore Bosco

What are the funds used for?

Each year, the funds raised are allocated to several important areas:

  1. Technology and STEM Program: A portion of the funds supports our state-of-the-art school-wide technology initiatives and STEM program.
  2. Teacher Support: Another portion goes directly to SJB teachers for the materials and supplies they need to enhance the learning experience for all students.
  3. Big Initiative: The largest portion of the funds is earmarked for a significant initiative each school year. This year, we have a comprehensive wish list, and the extent of what we can implement depends on the total amount raised.

2024-25 BIG Fundraising Initiative

  1. 2nd playground structure
  2. Shade Structure to cover the swing set
  3. Painting the remaining exterior fence, trim and doors
  4. Update the restrooms