Nurse's/Health Office
It is imperative that we be well informed of all student’s health needs and can immediately reach you if your child is ill or injured at school.
Please make sure all your phone numbers are current in RenWeb and contact the office if you make any changes. Also, for your child’s safety, we may not release any student to anyone not listed on their emergency card. Please update as needed.
Please make sure your student comes to school every day with a water bottle, wearing sunscreen and/or a hat, and having eaten a healthy breakfast.
Although we know that birthdays are reason to celebrate, please note that our health policy prohibits distributing edible treats in the classroom. Only non-food items may be sent into the classroom for special occasions.
Also, most of our classrooms are Nut-Free Zones due to allergies, so please be aware of this when you are packing classroom snacks for your children. Nuts, treats containing nuts, and peanut butter are allowed in the MPR at lunchtime but are not allowed in classrooms at any time.
Please be aware that students are not allowed to carry medications with them on campus. This includes cough drops. All medications must be dispensed from the nurse’s office, and we can only dispense medications that have been signed in by a parent or legal guardian. We do not provide stock medications. All medications (prescription or non-prescription) must be delivered to the office in their original packaging and must be age- and dose-appropriate. Prescription medications must have the prescription label with the child’s name and dosage clearly visible.
If desired, students with asthma in grades 5–8 are permitted to carry their prescription inhalers in their backpacks. However, a release form MUST be signed by the student and parent. Please stop by the Health Office and we will be happy to provide you with the form.
When your child is going to be absent from school, it is necessary that you call or email each day of the absence by 8:15 AM. The attendance email is Please include your name, your student’s name, and the reason for the absence. Even if you inform your teacher(s), please email or call the Health Office at 480.219.5102 to report the absence. The Health Office is responsible for attendance, and it is disruptive for the nurse to call each teacher when it is unclear why the student is not in school. You may also report future absences, such as vacations, to our office by email at
In addition, please call us if you know your child will be late for school. If your student is late for school because of a dentist or doctor appointment, please make sure they have a note from your health care provider so it may count as an excused tardy.
Immunization Requirements
Arizona Immunization Rules require all students age 11 and over be given a Tetanus booster (Tdap) and a Meningococcal (MV) to start the school year.
Maricopa county requires all Pre-K students and children age 5 and under attending our extended-day program to have two Hepatitis A vaccines.
The Health Office is required to maintain updated records of student immunizations. Please make sure we receive proper documentation if your child received any immunizations over the summer and/or during the school year.
Health Screenings
SJB conducts a school-wide health screening in November. This will include height, weight, blood pressure, vision for all grades, and scoliosis checks in the upper grades. Students in Pre-K, K, 1, 2 and 6, as well as all new students will also have a hearing screen. If you are interested in helping call or e-mail the Health Office. It is often remarkable to see how much they have grown.
Flu Season
Please be attentive to signs and symptoms of the flu and keep your child home if you suspect they are ill. Symptoms include fever, severe aches and pains, fatigue, headache, chest discomfort and a nonproductive cough. We strongly recommend the flu shot, as it is not uncommon for the flu to last 7 or more days.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Assistance with health screenings (We’ll train you!)
- Preparing ice packs
Please contact us if you are interested in either of these opportunities.